Kim Oka en  207Mag full

My Grandmother Ruby used to carry scissors in her purse when she went out for a walk. She loved flowers, she grew them on her balcony and often had a little bouquet on her table. Over the years we spent many a pleasant day wandering in the garden centre and planting up her small riotously colour-filled boxes.  But cut flowers were a different story.  Oh she wanted them, in the early spring when the sky was grey, and hers were months from being ready – but she would not pay for them. Besides, she had a Law that if any flower extended into any walkway, it was common property.

Magnolia bud fullweb

That included any that could be hooked with a cane and pulled over to the sidewalk. This could sometimes be an embarrassing situation for me, causing me to rapidly walk ahead, which amused her. I myself, purchased my flowers at full price.

Magnolia brown bag

However, I have lately found my thinking to be more in line with hers.

I have looked up that Law, and I believe she was correct.


Opera gouache

I call it the Law of Unauthorized Pruning for Art’s Sake.